Thursday, January 27, 2011


I cant recall being this busy
and tired since i was
working in Singapore.

Its been a crazy week
and even though
work was a little slow
earlier this week,
it turned out really hectic
in the last 2 days.

Ive been out for the whole
of this week so far
and i just cant take the stress.

Decided to stay in
while i popped two aspirins
to kill the throbbing headache,
plus ive been wearing my glasses
everywhere i go for the last week
which is making me dizzy.

Yes people,
Im getting lasik done
on my eyes this weekend.

Im shit scared but i cant wait
for it to be over as well.

So i came home early
after maggie soup with
Joanna and gang,
did my laundry, showered
and now blogging.

Shall retire to bed early
while watching Chuck Bass! :D


OiKum and Bubu's birthday!

Super emo Neoh
drinking on his own. HAHAHAHAHA!

Despite the mosquitoes
up on The Hill,
ive really miss the friends. :)

Happy birthday you two!