Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Jeeme and Baby Zander.

Taken from Hennley's facebook album and photo by *Jon Low*.

That beautiful bond with the lil man
and the lil man's best friend.

Just too cute not to document it. :)

Happy 4 months, my future-to-be nephew!


Chef Sher.

So as you can tell
from my instagrams,
i love cooking.

It was ACTUALLY a REAL excuse
for me to move out 3 years ago,
because I wanted my own kitchen. (honest!)

Now with me working just walking distance to my home,
I make an effort to cook lunch at home,
that way I get to watch what i put in my food
and also by counting the calories i eat carefully.

Here are just some of my food inventions
for some healthy eating!

Please note that this isnt for everyone,
especially for those who want to build muscles
or have a balanced meal.

All my recipes are without carbs and counted specially
to fit my diet to becoming a bride this September!


Tofu (pre-fried)
Red Onion
Chicken 100g
Brussel Sprouts 100g

You'd be surprise how nice
brussel sprouts can taste by chopping them up
into tiny pieces and mixing with the right dish!

I pre-seasoned the chicken
and always fry using olive oil (Bertolli)
with only 1 teaspoon (10ml) to complete the dish!


Tofu (pre-fried)
Bak Choy
Red Onion
Fried Egg

So here's the deal,
I only have eggs (1 egg: 90kcal)
whenever I dont have meat in my dishes.

That way i dont overdose myself
with my allowed count of protein a day.


Tofu (firm)
Cod Fish 100g
Red Onion
Cabbage 100g

Simple yet delicious.
Just the way i love it. :)


Red Onions
Japanese Roasted Sesame Seed Dressing (1 tablespoon)

I know i just mentioned i dont put
eggs and meat in a single dish,
but this was something I did before
i came out with my calorie count recipes.

It was also a classic cesar salad dinner
for one rainy night,
to share with the boy and I. :)


Tomato (half)
Chicken 100g
Red Onions

This was clear-your-fridge day,
so I just threw whatever i had in the pan
and this turned out! :)


Shiitake mushrooms
Cherry tomatoes (5 = 10kcal)
1 Egg
French beans 100g
Firm Tofu

Here's another clear-your-fridge day dish haha!

I just absolutely love the colours
on this one! :)


Minced meat
Carrots (half)
Corn Flour

Okay so im particularly proud
of this one.

I was watching Jamie Oliver's 15 min meal
and improvised it a lil by adding carrots
before rolling it into lil balls.

I was suppose to use only 2 tablespoons of olive oil
but mum accidentally poured too much into the wok. -_-

You can always change it to add
chopped up spinach, cheese or onions into your meat
and it becomes a great snack!


So i was told,
that having celery
with peanut butter was
a majorly delicious snack.

So i tried having it one tea-break,
considering celeries
are actually zero calories.

Celeries 100g
Peanut butter with chocolate stripes 32g

Unfortunately for me,
it didnt change my mind at all
about eating raw celeries.

So i ran to the kitchen
to get myself plain biscuits
from Meiji (99 cal a packet)
and ate them with the remaining peanut butter.

Dont waste food right? ;p