Wednesday, January 02, 2013

What I did on New Year's Day.

My puppy at my parents' house
was so excited to see me come home
on New Year's Day.

Went for New Year's Day prayers
for the year 2013.

Cooked pan mee for dinner for the first time,
for the whole family from scratch!

With help from my 2nd aunt of course,
who is down till mid January
from Amsterdam for a visit!

The boy did a VERY impulse thing
buying this 'Out of Service' signboard,
which I nor he have absolutely no idea
what to do with it.

MSG.HennWei: I saw it and I just had to buy it!

The things you put up with
for your love. T_T


New Year Resolution for 2013.

Okay so this year,
im focusing more on my goal
to weight loss.

As i think ive mentioned it many times,
Im FINALLY getting married this year
after postponing it twice
due to unfortunate & *unforeseen circumstances*.

Hence, the emphasis on my weight goal.

So at the top of the list:

1) Lose weight (im not setting a goal as I dont want to pressure myself)
2) Focus and improve in my career.
3) Complete my study goals for 2013.
4) Spend more time with loved ones.

Of course,
with just 9 more months to the wedding,
theres just a lot to do,
especially when i want mostly done DIY,
so im just hoping everything would go smoothly
throughout this wonderful New Year.

Happy New Year everybody! XXX