Sunday, October 27, 2013

Peanut Butter and Soy Sauce.

So ive been quite a
cooking-channel nerd lately.

I think what drove me to this was
during the change of my diet schemes,
i started doing more research on what is best
to have in my diet for pre and post-workout.

I came across these four young chaps
which called themselves, *Sorted Food*
that aims to inspire the young generation
to do more cooking.

With homecook food,
you're able to adjust what you want
in your food with maybe less salt or less oil
and healthier options if you have a bit of a sweet tooth.

So when i came across this recipe
that the boys had invented,
I was pretty shocked by its combination.

Peanut butter AND soy sauce in a stir-fry.

You can see the video *here*.

My face cringed at the thought of it
but my god, that sounded interesting.

And so i tried it with a few twist of my own
by adding lesser amount of PB to adjust to the portion
and changed it up by putting in pork slices and cabbage instead.

And the result?
it was amazingly delicious.

No joke. Who knew PB would go so damn well with soy sauce?!

All you need to do is just put a tbsp of PB in a cup
and loosen it with some water then add in 1 tbsp of soy sauce,
mix them up which then you'll add it to your stir-fry pan/ wok.

You can adjust the amount of soy sauce or peanut butter you want
but make sure you mix them in a cup first
because I did a mistake of adding them separately straight in the wok
and the PB got stuck in a clump. -_-


For more of Sorted Food recipes,
you can check out their website *here*
or follow them on *Youtube*.

Try it, you'll be amazed!

Note: Dont forget peanut butter may be a good source of protein as mentioned in most articles for post-workout refuel but as always portion control is KEY!